Wrap your building up with warmth
Fast Easy Affordable
From This

This is what a steel building looks like from the side. No wonder the building is cold and gets frost, because of thousands of screws penetrating the roof, LEAKS!
To This

Go over it with additional insulation and proper vapor barrier and 100% thermal break and presto, you have a warmer building or cooler building with a proper installed standing seam roof which eliminates the leaks.
About Us
Retrofit mounting clip for an exterior building surface is a patented product born from the problems associated with pinched insulated buildings that have been sold for the last 40 years and are still sold today. Wether your in cold winter areas of North America or in the hot areas of South America. Retrofit clip will help ease the pain of heating or cooling. The clips are ASTM D1761-60 tested. All jobs are different and need engineered approval.
US Patent 8677718 - Canadian Patent 2776409

2x4 2x6 2x8 Retrofitclips
Depending on what your building needs 2×4 will add two layers of R12 insulation, 2×6 will add a layer of R20 and a layer of R12 insulation, a 2X8 will add a R30 and R12 layer of insulation.

How important is turn over ?
First of all the work is on top of the building, unlike other systems that have to be installed inside. Which is nice especially if the building is being rented out, no down time means no loss of rent or business.

Government Jobs
This is an existing building that they went with the retrofit system and a trapezoid thermal block to max out their R value.

Farm Shops
Save on heat and eliminate dripping with Retrofit Clip System.

New building going over Qdeck
A new shop that got 2×8 retrofit clip with a 2 inch trapezoid thermal block giving them a 11 inch insulated roof.

A school with Q deck
2×8 retrofit clip with a 2 inch trapezoid thermal block system.

Over All Cost
Over all costs are effected by alot of factors and changing one might save costs in one area but automatically drive up the costs in another, then there is the properly done jobs. After working on retrofit systems since the 80’s we have worked through many sinerios and still see people making the same mistakes that some think is good, but end up having to be fixed again in a few years. Not a great investment! The way we deal with the customer is like we would deal with ourselves. We want the best for you just as you expect the best. Reasonably priced and a job that will last a lifetime, that’s our goal.
Get A Free Estimate Today!
Drop us a line with any questions and we will be happy to reply.
If you would like a estimate on your building please provide the following information using the online form.
Part 1: The location of the building. The type of building it is. The problems you are having with it.
Part 2: Your business name, contact name and phone number, we will get in touch with you right away.
Upload any photos of current structure and issues.